Trinity St Andrew's Methodist & United Reformed Church

Methodist and United Reformed Churches logos

Our church is a new local ecumenical partnership of the United Reformed Church and the Methodist Church where members of the two traditions share in worship, fellowship, service and mission. You are welcome to join us for worship or in any other of our activities.

This new church came together through the congregation of Trinity Methodist Church and of St Andrew's Methodist and United Reformed Church joining together and establishing their base in the building of Trinity Methodist Church. For the present we also make use of the buildings of St Andrew's church and hall on Newmarket St in Skipton.

church entrance Two images from church Image of service at church

Our church is located on Duckett Street, parallel to Westmoreland Street in Skipton. Postcode is BD23 2EA (Not for Post).

Here is our church website at


We are a friendly church that offers a warm welcome to our services. We try to meet spiritual, social and community needs through Christian Love


The team at our church includes:

We warmly welcome you to our Church. The Church was refurbished in 2012, creating a flexible space for worship and a community hall. The building has accessible facilities.

People + Contact

You can find out more about us from clicking the images above.